Chris Peterson's Photo Album
Birds... always fun to photograph. Mostly from around my house in the Colorado Rockies.
Turkey Vulture
Williamson's Sapsucker
Male and female Mountain Bluebirds
Violet-green Swallow
Violet-green Swallow
Male Mountain Bluebird
Female Red Crossbill
Male Western Bluebird
Male Evening Grosbeak
Nesting Mountain Bluebirds
Mountain Bluebird defending young in nest from Steller's Jay
Blue Jay
Long-eared Owl
House Wrens on Great Dane sculpture
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Male Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Hummingbird and hummingbird sculpture
Male Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Female Broad-tailed Hummingbird on aloe blooms
Hummingbird (female Broad-tailed?)
Hummingbird (female Broad-tailed?)
Hummer maneuvering at high speed
American Robin chicks
Wood Duck (Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina)
Hooded Merganser (Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina)
Black Crowned Heron (Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina)
Black Crowned Heron (Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina)
American White Ibis (Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina)
American White Ibis (Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina)
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